Protect Our Waterways

Stormwater runoff, which is rain that does not soak into the ground and flows over land and other surfaces, can carry trash and pollutants into storm drains, which flow directly to creeks, rivers, and the San Francisco Bay without any treatment. Through its Stormwater Management Program, VTA is committed to protecting local creeks and rivers, and in turn the Bay to which they flow, by preventing pollution from stormwater runoff.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention

Only Rain Down the Drain!

If you see trash, debris or illegal dumping on the ground at a VTA transit facility, please tell us immediately.

  • (408) 321-2300
  • (408) 321-2330, hearing impaired only

Green Stormwater Infrastructure

VTA is keeping irrigation water on plants, replenishing groundwater, and out of the storm drains by using ​bioretention gardens at our Milpitas and Berryessa transit centers.

Stormwater and Landscaping Design

VTA has developed the Design Criteria Manual for Stormwater and Landscaping to assist planners, engineers, and designers in incorporating stormwater pollution prevention methods into all phases of our upcoming projects.
