Curious about the impacts a changing climate could have on transportation in Santa Clara County? Community members still have time to contribute to the survey for VTA’s Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP). Responses will be accepted through Friday, June 3, 2022.
VTA recently launched a survey to inform the development of the CAAP. By participating, you can help VTA understand what current and future climate issues are of most concern to our community.
Take the VTA Climate Change Survey
Several cities across the Bay Area are pursuing climate action plans of their own. The VTA CAAP seeks to address transportation related issues such as vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions. Development of the CAAP is funded by the State of California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program. When completed, the CAAP will identify specific actions VTA can take to minimize contributions to climate change and adapt and build resilience to long-term climate impacts.
There will be additional opportunities for the community take part in the development of the CAAP over the next year. To subscribe for updates, please visit the Climate Action & Adaptation Plan project page.