68 bus
NEW! VTAplus Let's You Stay In the Know

With VTAplus, you can create a personalized account on the VTA.org website for long-term route planning and project notifications.

“Favorite” your most-used routes, customize trip subscriptions, and sign up to receive email or text notifications to keep you on top of what we’re doing!

So let’s review. The key “plusses” of this cool new tool are:

VTAplus dashboard
  • Text messaging functionality - Users will be able to receive text message alerts in regards to route and notice alerts.
  •  Notice alerts (like construction alerts) - Users will be able to select their project/program of choice (Transit Oriented Development), impact effect (Bicycle, Community, Pedestrian, Service, Traffic, etc.), and day of the week.
  •  Increased customization - Users will be able to select the days of the week and times for which they would like to receive notifications.

NOTE: The tool is for long-term route and project/program notifications. For last minute service notifications, please check our "Routes" page, or VTA Twitter Service page.

Please visit our VTAplus Information & Response Page for more information on accessing VTAplus, how to create/edit an account, and a breakdown of its features.

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vta plus page

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