access open house
Paratransit Open House

The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority is thrilled to announce its upcoming "ACCESS Paratransit Open House" on February 29, 2024, from 10 AM to 12 PM at the Eastridge Transit Center, 2240 Eastridge Loop, in San Jose.

This event promises to be a significant milestone for ACCESS Paratransit, marking the introduction of 14 new ProMaster 3500 vehicles that are set to start service on March 1, 2024.

Attendees will have the exclusive opportunity to explore these new vehicles up close, each designed with cutting-edge features to enhance accessibility and comfort for all users. 

The Open House will serve as a platform to unveil Phase II of the Mobility Assistance Program (MAP), demonstrating the ongoing commitment to improving the mobility and independence of those who rely on ACCESS Paratransit services.

Additionally, the event will mark the kickoff of the ACCESS Paratransit Quarterly Community Engagement Event and the Mystery Rider Program, initiatives that underscore the service's dedication to community feedback and continuous improvement.

We hope to see you there!

ACCESS Open House Banner

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