We need the community's feedback!
Construction is not scheduled to start until 2022, but the planning efforts are well underway to ensure that the community can let us know about their traffic, access and business needs so that we can work to be a good neighbor while VTA's BART Phase II Project is built.
Your feedback now will be included in our community outreach efforts, traffic planning efforts and small business support planning. So whether you're a business owner or a resident near the future BART Phase II Project - or both! - we want to hear from you! (Not sure if you're near the project? See the map below.)
For Residents:
Tell us about traffic, access and services in your neighborhood.
VTA's BART Silicon Valley Phase II (Construction Phase) Access and Service Survey
For Businesses:
Visit our Small Business Survey and give us feedback about your business, marketing and communication needs.
VTA's BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project: Small Business Operations Survey