Woman walking her son on sidewalk painting
Community Open House: Branham Station Transit-Oriented Development

VTA invites you to participate in an in-person open house to discuss the proposed Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) at VTA's Branham Station. VTA is considering a TOD project that could provide additional affordable housing in the area, including homeownership opportunities. 

Drop in between 6 pm – 8 pm. This open house will provide an opportunity to learn about this project, VTA's TOD program, and development opportunities. 

Additional information to be shared includes the final Capitol-Branham Station Access Study recommendations and SR 87/Capitol Expressway Interchange Improvement Project schedule.  

VTA wants to hear from you and is interested in your ideas and feedback. Help shape your neighborhood and this potential development! We encourage you to register for this event. With pre-registration, you will receive event reminders and project updates by email. Register directly through Eventbrite for the Branham TOD Open House on August 10.

Spanish interpretation will be provided at the open house. Individuals who require other language translation or accommodations are requested to contact VTA Community Outreach at (408) 321-7575/TTY (408) 321-2330, or email community.outreach@vta.org.  

Additional information is available at vta.org/branhamdevelopment. 


Branham TOD Map


About Transit-Oriented Development

Creating vibrant, walkable, shoppable, and affordable communities near transit are among the objectives of VTA’s TOD Program.  Working with municipal and private partners, VTA is encouraging the development of housing, retail, and employment centers on VTA properties located throughout Santa Clara County to increase transit ridership and foster vibrant communities.

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