VTA tabling at a community event
VTA And Partners Looking At Ways To Reduce Driving From New Development

How can we reduce the amount of driving resulting from new developments like housing, office buildings, or stores? With the Equitable Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program, VTA is working with the community to develop a framework where cities, the county and developers can work together to reduce driving and improve equity along the way.

VMT is a measure of the total amount of driving in a given area over a certain time period, like a day or a year. The amount of VMT is related to important issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, air quality, noise pollution, and street safety. Lowering VMT improves both quality of life and the environment.

You can learn more about VMT by viewing our “What is VMT and Why Does it Matter?” and “Why It’s Important to Reduce VMT” videos, which break the concept down further.

VTA bulletin board with post-its written by the community for their suggestions on a project

Last fall, VTA held an extensive round of community engagement to hear about the community’s travel challenges, and what kinds of transportation improvements that reduce driving could help address people’s needs. We had booths at community events around the county, conducted a survey, hosted a Zoom community meeting, and held focus groups with community organizations, cities and the county.  More than 750 people took the time to fill out input exercises at events or complete the survey. Thank you!

The mitigation program could take the form of a VMT Exchange or VMT Bank, with developers contributing funds to VMT-reducing measures. When asked about transportation measures that developments could contribute to, people especially liked:

  • Fast and Frequent Transit
  • Biking and Walking Paths
  • Many Things to Do Close-By (for instance, a mix of housing, jobs and shops).

There was also some interest in options like e-bikes, scooters, and incentives to change the way people travel.  The project team is now doing analysis with this input and gearing up for Phase II community engagement this spring.  We hope you will join us!

VTA staff will be presenting a Project Update discussion item at VTA Board Committees this month.  You are welcome to attend in person or online, and offer public comment at these meetings:

Later this spring, we will be holding several workshops where community members and organizations can offer more in-depth input.  Stay tuned!  Subscribe for email updates on the project website, or email questions or suggestions to community.outreach@vta.org.

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