Berryessa/North San Jose Transit Center TOD Community Meeting


The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s (VTA) Transit-Oriented Development Partner, Affirmed Housing Group, has created a vibrant, transit-oriented development proposal for the Berryessa Transit Center. This development will add approximately 195 high-quality, 100% affordable housing units to low-income individuals and families. 

Located on Mabury Road and Berryessa Station Way, the property is adjacent to the Berryessa BART Station. The proposal introduces housing, along with multi-modal transportation improvements and enhancements to pedestrian and bike connectivity for the surrounding community and transit riders. 

Join us for a presentation and discussion. You can help shape this future development! Neighbors, nearby residents, and transit users, we look forward to your responses on the latest plans. Topics that Affirmed will present include: 

•    Proposed Site Uses 

•    Site Access  

•    Station Area Enhancements 

•    Project Schedule/What to expect next 

We encourage you to register for this meeting. With pre-registration, you will receive meeting reminders and project updates by email. Register directly through Eventbrite at

Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese translation will be provided at the meeting. Individuals who require other language translation or accommodations are requested to contact VTA Community Outreach at (408) 321-7575/TTY (408) 321-2330, or email, by June 26, 2023. Additional information is available at

You can join us directly on Zoom at:

Meeting ID: 862 9533 9092

Passcode: 023648

One tap mobile: +16692192599,,86975575084#,,,,*023648# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location: 1-669-900-9128 US (San Jose)