Capitol Station Transit-Oriented Development Community Meeting


You are invited to attend a virtual neighborhood meeting hosted by VTA and MidPen Housing regarding the proposed affordable housing development for families located at Capitol Expressway and Narvaez Avenue in San Jose. We are eager to introduce the MidPen team, share more information about the proposed affordable property for families, and discuss the upcoming Access Study. We look forward to getting to know you and answering any questions you may have.

We encourage you to register for this meeting. With pre-registration you will receive meeting reminders and project updates by e-mail. Register directly through Eventbrite at

Spanish interpretation will be provided at the meeting. If you have questions or would like to request other language translation services, or accommodations please contact Amanda Ryan ( by September 12, 2022.

Additional information is available at

You can join us directly on Zoom at:

Meeting ID: 825 4043 2920

Passcode: 470730

Phone: 1-669-219-2599

One tap mobile: +16692192599,,82540432920#,,,,*470730# US (San Jose)

To view the livestream, without participating, you can watch this meeting on YouTube: