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Light Rail Bus Bridge: February 13-18
Please visit the
Light Rail Rehab page
for details and modified schedules.
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I-880/Montague Expressway Interchange and McCarthy Boulevard/O’Toole Avenue Intersection Project
2000 Measure A
2016 Measure B
2019 New Transit Service Plan
2021 Plano sa Serbisyo ng Transit
2021 Transit Service Plan
2021년 대중교통 운행 계획
28th Street/Little Portugal Station
28th Street/Little Portugal Transit-Oriented Development
ADA Grievance
ADA Transition Plan
ATU Local 265 Contract Negotiations 2018-2019
Accessible Information
Alder Station Transit-Oriented Development
Bascom Complete Streets: I-880 to Hamilton Avenue Project
Bascom Corridor Complete Streets Study
Beneficial Reuse of Excavated Material in Tidal Marsh Restoration Project
Berryessa Transit Center & Berryessa/North San José BART Station
Berryessa/North San Jose Transit Center Transit-Oriented Development
Better Bus Stops
Bicycle Program
Blossom Hill Station Transit-Oriented Development
Branham Station Transit-Oriented Development
Bus Stop Balancing
Calaveras Boulevard Near-Term Improvements
Capitol Station Transit-Oriented Development
Central Bikeway Study
Cerone Transit-Oriented Development
Climate Action and Adaptation Plan
Complete Streets Program
Congestion Management Agency
Cottle Station Transit-Oriented Development
Curtner Station Transit-Oriented Development
Diridon Station
Downtown San José Station
Eastridge to BART Regional Connector - EBRC
Equitable VMT Mitigation Program for Santa Clara County
Gilroy Transit Center Transit-Oriented Development
Great Mall Station Transit-Oriented Development
Homestead Safe Routes to School
Hostetter Station Transit-Oriented Development
I-280 Soundwalls Project
I-280/Winchester Boulevard Interchange Improvements
I-280/Wolfe Road Interchange Improvements Project
I-680 Soundwalls
Kế hoạch Dịch vụ Giao thông Đô thị năm 2021
Labor Relations
Let's Build Transit-Oriented Communities
Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Transition
Light Rail Speed and Safety Enhancements
Mathilda Avenue Improvements at SR 237 and US 101
Milpitas Transit Center & BART Station
Montague Expressway Pedestrian Overcrossing
Monterey Corridor Community-Based Transportation Plan
Morgan Hill Community-Based Transportation Plan
Ohlone-Chynoweth Station Transit-Oriented Development
Pedestrian Program
Plan de Servicio del Transporte Público 2021
Programming and Grants
Reasonable Accommodation
River Oaks Station Transit-Oriented Development
SR 237 Lawrence Java Interchanges
SR 87 Technology Corridor Study
SR 87/Capitol Expressway Interchange Improvement Project
Santa Clara Countywide Bike Plan Update 2018
Santa Clara Station
Santa Clara Transit Center Transit-Oriented Development
Senior Program
Silicon Valley Express Lanes Program
State Route (SR) 152 New Trade Corridor Project
State Route (SR) 17 Wildlife and Trail Crossing Project
State Route 17 (SR 17) Corridor Congestion Relief Project
State Route 237 Express Lanes Project
State Route 85 Noise Reduction Program
State Route 85 Transit Guideway Study
Story-Keyes Complete Streets Study
Sustainability Program
TDM Guidelines for TOD
Tamien Station Transit-Oriented Development
Tasman Drive Complete Streets Corridor Study
Transit Passenger Environment Plan
Transit-Oriented Communities
Transit-Oriented Communities Grant Program
Transit-Oriented Communities Policy
Transit-Oriented Development
US 101 Express Lanes Project (Phase 5)
US 101 Interchanges Improvement Project: San Antonio Rd to Charleston Rd/Rengstorff Ave
US 101 and State Route 85 Express Lanes Project (Phase 3)
US 101 and State Route 85 Express Lanes Project (Phase 4)
US 101/ SR 25/ Santa Teresa Boulevard Extension Project
US 101/Blossom Hill Road Interchange Improvement Project
US 101/De La Cruz Boulevard/Trimble Road Interchange Improvements
US 101/SR 152/10th St. Interchange Improvement Project
US 101/SR 25 Interchange - Phase 1
US 101/Zanker Road/Skyport Drive/Fourth Street Improvement Project
US-101 Mobility Action Plan
VTA Governance Assessment
VTA's BART Silicon Valley Phase I
VTA's BART Silicon Valley Phase II
Valley Transportation Plan (VTP) 2050
Visionary Network
Winchester Station Transit-Oriented Development
VTA's BART Silicon Valley Phase II
Environmental Document
Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR)
2007 Draft SEIR Cover and Abstract
2007 Draft SEIR Table of Contents
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 1: Executive Summary
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 2: Introduction
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 3: BART Extension Project Description
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.1: Environmental Analysis Introduction
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.2: Transportation and Transit
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.3: Air Quality
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.4: Biological Resources and Wetlands
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.5: Community Services and Facilities
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.6: Cultural and Historical Resources
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.7: Electromagnetic Fields
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.8: Energy
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.9: Geology, Soils, and Seismicity
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.10: Hazardous Materials
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.11: Land Use
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.12: Noise and Vibration
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.13: Security and Systems Safety
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.14: Socioeconomics
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.15: Utilities
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.16: Visual Quality and Aesthetics
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.17: Water Resources, Water Quality, and Floodplains
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.18: Construction
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 4.19: Cumulative Impacts
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 5: BART Core Parking Analysis
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 6: Agency and Community Preparation
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 7: Agencies and Organizations
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 8: List of Preparers
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 9: Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms
2007 Draft SEIR Chapter 10: Bibliography
2007 Draft SEIR Appendix A: Notice of Preparation
2007 Draft SEIR Appendix B: Comparison of Conceptual Engineering and Preliminary Engineering - Project Plans and Profiles
2007 Draft SEIR Appendix C: BART Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Plans and Profiles
2007 Draft SEIR Appendix D: BART Extension Project Station Designs
2007 Draft SEIR Appendix E: Agency Letters
2007 Draft SEIR Appendix F: Maps of the Areas of Potential Effects