

Peery Park  Rides Coming soon!

To address existing noise concerns on State Route (SR) 85, VTA is working with cities along SR 85 and Caltrans to study, test, and implement noise reduction treatments through a three-phase process...
Phase I of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley is the first 10 miles of the extension of BART into Santa Clara County. It includes new BART stations at the Berryessa Transit Center and the Milpitas Transit Center.
The Branham Station is a 3-acre property located at Branham Lane and Narvaez Avenue in San Jose, California. This property currently serves as a Park & Ride lot for VTA light rail passengers. This...
Two 164-ft cranes stand on the northwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road for sheet and pile driving to build the foundation and columns that will support the guideway transition from the...
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), in partnership with the City of San Jose, the City of Campbell, and the County of Santa Clara, is looking at ways to improve approximately three...
Reducing Driving from Development Projects The Equitable Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program aims to reduce the amount of driving from land use developments in Santa Clara County, working...
The River Oaks Station site is an 18-acre property located at the corner of North First Street and River Oaks Parkway in North San José, California. This property currently serves as VTA’s...
The Hostetter Station site is a 2.3-acre property located on Capitol Avenue, near Hostetter Road in San José, California. This property currently serves as a Park & Ride lot for VTA Light Rail...
The Great Mall Station is a 4-acre property located at the corner of Great Mall Parkway and Fairlane Drive in Milpitas, California. This property currently serves as a Park & Ride lot for VTA Light...
VTA's Transit-Oriented Development team creates mixed-use, mixed-income developments on VTA land through partnerships with nonprofits, private developers, and public sector agencies. VTA remains the...
VTA, as part of its Silicon Valley Express Lanes Program, has combined the SR 85 and US 101 Express Lanes projects in Phases 3 and 4. Phase 3 will implement the first Express Lanes on US 101 in...
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Silicon Valley Express Lanes Program deploys express lanes throughout Santa Clara County, including the initial implementations on State Route (SR...
The Gilroy Transit Center is a 7.8-acre property located at Monterey Highway and 7th Street in Gilroy, California. This property currently serves as a Park & Ride lot for Caltrain and VTA Bus...
The Blossom Hill Station is a 7.59-acre property is located along Blossom Hill Road at Canoas Creek and serves as a Park & Ride lot for Light Rail and Bus passengers. The parking lot has the potential...
The existing US 101/SR 25 interchange, located just south of Gilroy in Santa Clara County, is over thirty years old. It cannot accommodate traffic demands due to rapid growth in commuter, commercial...
Overview: Currently, VTA has more than 200 bike lockers available to transit users at light rail stops, Caltrain stations, Park & Ride lots, and transit centers across its system. Now 20 to 30 years...
Overview The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), in cooperation with the City of San Jose and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), proposes to reconstruct the US 101...
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), in cooperation with Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (Midpen) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), proposes to...
When bus stops are too close together, the speed of a transit trip decreases. The Bus Stop Balancing project is just one part of VTA’s Speed and Reliability Program, which aims to create speed improvements for faster, more reliable transit.
Equitable, Prosperous, Walkable, Sustainable Places VTA wants to see Santa Clara County thriving. As the region grows, people will continue to move here, securing jobs and expanding their families...