Peery Park Rides Coming soon!

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), in cooperation with Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), and the City of San José, proposes the State Route 87 (SR 87)/Capitol...

Overview Located in southern Santa Clara County, the Santa Teresa Boulevard Extension project would provide a new direct connection from the area south of the City of Gilroy to both US 101 and SR 25...

Thank you for all of your input! Update 8/30/2024: Thank you to all our riders who spoke with us, emailed, and called in about the 2025 Transit Service Plan. The plan has been revised and you can now...

The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), in cooperation with the Town of Los Gatos and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), proposes to construct improvements on State...

Santa Clara Station, adjacent to the Santa Clara Caltrain Station and the future Gateway Crossings development, will be the end of the line station for VTA’s BART Phase II Extension. Unlike the three...

The Diridon Station will be between Montgomery and Cahill Streets, on the south side of Santa Clara Street. Ticketing, fare gates, and bicycle facilities will be at street-level while the station’s...

Downtown San José Station will be on Santa Clara Street between Market and 1st Streets. Ticketing and fare gates will be at street-level while the station’s concourse and platforms will be underground...

The 28th Street/Little Portugal Station will be between US-101 and 28th Street, just north of East Santa Clara Street and behind the Five Wounds Portuguese National Parish. Passengers will be able to...

The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), in cooperation with the City of San José, the City of Milpitas, the Santa Clara County Roads and Airports Department, and the California...

VTA’s Visionary Network – A Blueprint for Aspirational Transit Service in Santa Clara County What does the ultimate transit network in Santa Clara County look like to you? More frequent buses and...

VTA, as part of its Silicon Valley Express Lanes Program, has combined the SR 85 and US 101 Express Lanes projects into Phases 3 and 4. Phases 3 implemented express lanes through the US 101/SR 85...

VTA’s overarching goal is to provide transportation facilities and services that support and enhance the county’s continued success by fostering a high quality of life for Santa Clara County residents...

The Better Bus Stops program funds amenities at bus stops improving the rider experience. Launched in 2020, the program improves bus stops is funded by 2016 Measure B. Transit riders may have noticed...

Homestead Road is an important east-west roadway within Santa Clara County that connects four jurisdictions and three schools. The Homestead Road Safe Routes to School Improvements Project will...

Improving the Transit Experience for People with Mobility Devices and Bicyclists The Wheels on the Bus – Real Time Data project is a study that aims to enhance the transit experience for people with...
VTA's Community Outreach and Public Engagement (COPE) team is committed to sharing up-to-date project and program information with residents, businesses, stakeholders, and the general public. We...
Thank you for all of your input, riders! Thank you to all our riders who spoke with us, emailed, and called in about the 2024 Transit Service Plan. Now that our call for public input has closed, we’ll...

The Berryessa/North San Jose Transit-Oriented Development site is a 3.3-acre property owned by VTA adjacent to the Berryessa BART Station, located on Mabury Road and Berryessa Station Way. The site is...

Mathilda Avenue at US 101 and SR 237 and I-280/Foothill Expressway Landscaping Improvement Project Project Overview This landscape project is a follow up to the completed civil construction of the...
In January 2022, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) through funding from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), initiated a Community-Based Transportation Plan (CBTP) in...