Modernize Transportation Analysis Policies

Cities and agencies can adapt their transportation analysis policies by implementing Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) and being more flexible with the use of Level of Service (LOS).


Include evaluation criteria that encourage equitable transit-oriented communities.

  • Establish screening criteria that streamline analysis for projects in low-VMT areas, projects close to transit, affordable housing developments, and small projects unlikely to have much effect on VMT.
  • A Statement of Overriding Considerations to communicate a project’s overall benefit to the community may be an option when a jurisdiction is unable to reduce a project’s VMT impacts below an applicable threshold in CEQA.
  • Discontinue the use of LOS as a performance standard in General Plans or scale back the amount of LOS analysis that is required.
  • Where eligible, adopt Infill Opportunity Zones (IOZ) where the Congestion Management Program LOS standard does not apply.
  • Consider broader mitigation frameworks for transportation effects of development such as an impact fee, voluntary contributions to offsetting improvements, or a VMT exchange or bank.
Design Guidelines
Policy & Implementation
The Role of Local Government & Transit First Policies
Guiding Principles of Land Use
Flexible Zoning Strategies
Street Design Implementation
Revising Transportation Analysis Practices
Transportation Demand Management
Rethinking Vehicle Parking Requirements
Parking Management
Best Practices to Attract Successful Developers
Clarifying Design Expectations
Integrating Retail into Transit Oriented Development
Community Planning for Rail Transit
Additional Resources
Graphic showing map with yellow, orange, red, and green colors indicating with higher or lower levels of VMT
Sample VMT heat map which can be used in CEQA screening; green and yellow areas have lower VMT, orange and red areas have higher VMT