Performance Zoning

Viewed as more appropriate for urban development for transit-oriented projects, performance zoning sets specific and quantifiable regulations for land use. These regulations can mitigate the impacts of new development on adjacent properties.


Performance zoning:

  • Sets operational standards for vehicle trips, noise, commercial hours, provision of shade trees, size and location of parking areas, and provision of outdoor dining in relation to the needs and characteristics of surrounding neighborhoods.
  • Allows any use that meets the standard instead of restricting specific uses on a property, leading to greater flexibility in achieving environmental protection, neighborhood character and traffic control.
Design Guidelines
Policy & Implementation
The Role of Local Government & Transit First Policies
Guiding Principles of Land Use
Flexible Zoning Strategies
Street Design Implementation
Revising Transportation Analysis Practices
Transportation Demand Management
Rethinking Vehicle Parking Requirements
Parking Management
Best Practices to Attract Successful Developers
Clarifying Design Expectations
Integrating Retail into Transit Oriented Development
Community Planning for Rail Transit
Additional Resources
A photo of lawn area and water feature next to mixed-use developments.
Santana Row, San José, CA